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Collection: Sonarification



  1. Letter to a young poet
  2. The Journey from Shropshire to Self
  3. Lone prophet
  4. Après coup
  5. Astray
  6. Belias
  7. Cantata
  8. Débauchée
  9. Shark’s triangle
  10. Elegy written in portmanteau
  11. Faith
  12. Obdios
  13. Greenfinch
  14. Gregynog
  15. Il Maestro
  16. Medusa’s Sea
  17. Shadow and Severance: A Mythic Reflection
  18. Muskroot
  19. The forgotten chamber
  20. Omnipotent
  21. Ode on the death of a samurai
  22. Amsterdam
  23. Parlevinker
  24. Poignard
  25. Rapture
  26. Reverie
  27. Riff-raff
  28. Jump Rope
  29. Agent provocateur
  30. Unfolding
  31. This Place
  32. Sonarification
  33. Whippersnapper
  34. Where Are You?
  35. Voyager Deep
  36. Whirlpool
  37. Whopper
  38. Φερεκύδης Pherecydes
  39. Ἀχιλλεύς Και Πάτροκλος Achilles and Patroclus
  40. Ἑκάτη Hekate
  41. φοῖνιξ Phoenix
  42. Κατέβην Katabasis
  43. Aνᾰ́βᾰσῐς Anabasis
  44. πάντα ῥεῖ Panta Rhei
  45. Ῥαμνουσία Rhamnusia
  46. Περσεύς Και Ἀνδρομέδα Perseus & Andromeda
  47. Ὀρφεύς καί Εὐρυδίκη Orpheus and Euridice
  48. Ēkhō καί Νάρκισσος Echo and Narcissus


Collection: Twynd



  1. Belle Vue
  2. Bluebell
  3. Chosen
  4. Confirmation
  5. Day Lily
  6. Defiance
  7. Diddlebury
  8. Diddle
  9. Drømmeland
  10. Expect the Unexpected
  11. Floating World
  12. Gå ikke i panik
  13. Happy In The Sun
  14. Hades Gate
  15. Halcyon
  16. Kingfisher
  17. Motivational Letter To A Friend
  18. Otter I-VI
  19. By The River Severn At Night
  20. Chetwynd Hill
  21. Peace Tanka
  22. Hope
  23. In the dumps with Parmenides
  24. Φαντασία
  25. Kesseki 欠席
  26. Mustard Seed
  27. Nemi
  28. Noble Rot
  29. O Clavis
  30. Octet
  31. Patience
  32. Pust Godt Inn
  33. Revelation
  34. Revival
  35. Rhagwelwyd
  36. Social Loafing
  37. Swan
  38. The Scream
  39. The Star
  40. The Red Tulip
  41. Twynd
  42. Tywyllaf
  43. Echoes of England’s Heart
  44. In Search of Clarity
  45. Accepting The Inexplicable
  46. Zwielicht des Schmutzigen
  47. Probitas Verus Honos


Collection: Hyperion


  1. Preface
  2. The Great Physician
  3. Hyperion
  4. Perplexing Legacy
  5. God Hill
  6. Dark Fire
  7. You’re Still Beginning
  8. You’re Still End
  9. You’re Still Middle
  10. Fate
  11. Lumpen Proletarian
  12. Creation
  13. Thereforeboding
  14. Hortus Informal
  15. After the Rain: Bow
  16. Delphic Pharmakon
  17. Outlaw
  18. Profane
  19. Auguries of Madness
  20. Outcome
  21. Onlinequest
  22. From darkness to light
  23. Fighter
  24. The best things come when you least expect them
  25. Bipolar
  26. Ceremony of the Holy Fire
  27. Farewell
  28. Desert Pagans
  29. Run Down the Sea
  30. Striving in the path of God
  31. Nothing left to be desired
  32. Beating the country for the blackguard
  33. Flowing Repose
  34. Your clapping echoes through every circle
  35. Selene
  36. Medea
  37. Climacus
  38. To the last gasp
  39. Baffled
  40. Maculate Muse
  41. Grope Passage


Collection: Woodwose


  1. Preface
  2. Piddle-Frittering
  3. Pericles
  4. The Night We Met
  5. Capricious Youthfulness
  6. Hasta la vista
  7. Don’t give up on your miracle
  8. βροχή
  9. Puppywolf
  10. No fear
  11. Phantasmagoria
  12. ἀδελφοποίησις
  13. Adonis
  14. Langage fleuri poésie ornementale
  15. Woodwose
  16. Foresight and Forgetfulness I
  17. Foresight and Forgetfulness II
  18. Foresight and Forgetfulness III
  19. Rhymes with danger I
  20. Rhymes with Danger II
  21. Rhymes with danger III
  22. Pachanga I
  23. Pachanga II
  24. What sadness the morning water carried
  25. The Fire Walker
  26. A peripatetic past the Alpines
  27. The Helpless
  28. Jeremiad for Autumn
  29. House of strange emptiness
  30. Strange Spectacle of Sorcery
  31. Where I abide
  32. Soliloquy on the length of a rainbow
  33. The new status writes on Facebook
  34. As for you, this land is made of gold
  35. Black Swan
  36. Isaiah 30
  37. Whitewash blackout
  38. The deceiver
  39. If you can’t forgive, you can’t dance
  40. A word of warning from the ghost
  41. Buxom miss snooty pants von spark
  42. Queen versus The Queen
  43. Reminiscences I
  44. Reminiscences II
  45. Reminiscences III
  46. Reminiscences IV


Collection: The Lost Shadow of Things


  1. Final Warning
  2. Dawn of the holy cloud
  3. Bottoms-Up
  4. The Neo-Platonic Cave Philosopher
  5. Toward the peak of Parnassus
  6. Whispily chronicling the Pizazz
  7. The Swimming Pool Fiasco
  8. The Paladin’s Creed
  9. The Templar
  10. The Lost Shadow of Things
  11. Natural balm, Divine anodyne of solitude
  12. Sad she led you to the Deadenders
  13. You know what they say from their pious oasis?
  14. Recognition
  15. You say  侘寂
  16. What if the darkness never lifts?
  17. Through the Looking Glass
  18. You get some time in the coral reef
  19. Anathema
  20. The Preliminary Purification of the Convocation
  21. Divested of my recent wobble as I swim
  22. Dream Fragment of Cthulhu
  23. The fighting is best where it breaks
  24. Nocturnal ode on a peculiar moon
  25. Bacchanalia
  26. Let me call you over the Trenchant
  27. The Fire
  28. When we ran to the sea…
  29. Bright shoot of the seed
  30. To save my life you bid me go
  31. Shagsbear’s 76th Sonnet
  32. You can’t make the light leave my eyes
  33. Mi-Chemin
  34. Conflict in the preening
  35. You know what they say from their pious oasis?
  36. Answering the Dolphin Pod Prodigy 
  37. Lake of the small hill
  38. Answering the denial of the Great Dolphin
  39. Only you know what lifts you up
  40. That he may come to the Sea spirit
  41. Words that might have heartened him


Collection: True to the God in You



    1. The Hollow of the Old Packing-Case
    2. True to the God in You
    3. Agony
    4. When there was no eternity
    5. God’s Love shines brighter
    6. When we changed our flocks at night
    7. Nova testamentum
    8. Ambiguous loss
    9. Heavy fell the wrath
    10. Elegy to the Paragon
    11. The glade beyond the forest
    12. An angel spoke on the cool breeze
    13. Some untimely thought
    14. The Angel of Comfort
    15. Lyric Harmonic on the string of sensuality
    16. The painful frustrations of the poet
    17. Power Divine taught you to tend
    18. We found the place 
    19. The place to teach
    20. He taught you how to find
    21. Banished from our tree of life
    22. No one shall harm you
    23. A heart in darkness
    24. The Northern most pilgrim
    25. Let who listens close that door
    26. Wampish refrain of your whining obstruction
    27. The Quockerwodger
    28. Escape from the sluberdegullion snake
    29. The Waterfall where we once stood
    30. The Tower
    31. Flames of Redemption: A Spiritual Reckoning
    32. What carried the day
    33. Spin it clean off the reel
    34. (Un)Cloaked in Mystery
    35. One by one hill won
    36. Bionicle of Falling into deeper darkness
    37. Flowing waves to Delphinia
    38. On the pleasure of sunbathing
    39. On conversing with blackbirds
    40. Haros the Hedgehog 


Collection: Idylls of the Nymphai


  1. Alseid

  2. Auloniad

  3. Potamides

  4. Limos

  5. Lampads

  6. Erebus

  7. Crinaeae

  8. Hedone

  9. Pan

  10. Pegasides

  11. Argonautica

  12. Karpos

  13. Kalamos

  14. Pothos

  15. Aurai

  16. Pleiades

  17. Hyades

  18. Priapus

  19. Arcadia

  20. Naiad

  21. Metapherein

  22. Ceroessa

  23. Patriarkhēs

  24. Nephele

  25. Limnad

  26. Kakodaimones

  27. Baubo

  28. Hesperides

  29. Prometheus

  30. Lethe

  31. Algea

  32. Melinoë

  33. Oceanids

  34. Thespian Lion

  35. Makhai

  36. Boreas

  37. Dodona

  38. Eris

  39. Oread

  40. Ponos

  41. Amphillogiai

  42. Neikea

  43. Logoi

  44. Pseuda

  45. 4πολύτροπος

  46. After verse


Collection: A Whimsical Journey Through India


Part I 

I The Journey Begins

II A Dicey Start in Delhi

III Amritsar


Part II Himachal Pradesh

IV McLeod Ganj

V The Parvati Valley

VI The Road to Mandi

VII Shimla

VIII Rishikesh

IX  Haridwar: The Source of the Ganges


Part III Rajputana

X Udaipur

XI  Pushkar

XII Deserta Rajathania

XIII Jodhpur

XIV Jaisalmer

XV Rohet


Part IV Uttar Pradesh

XVI The Road to Varanasi

XVII City of Victory & Taj Mahal

XVIII Ashoka’s Pillar


Part V Dravidia

XIX The Road to Chennai

XX Mamallapuram

XXI Kanyakumari

XXII Mudrai

XXIII Banglore

XXIV Aurangabad: The Ajanta Caves


Part VI West Bengal

XXV Kolkata

XXVI Shantiniketan

XXVII Darjeeling


Part VII Delhi

XXVIII Old Delhi

XXIX Jama Masqid

XXX Chandni Chowk

XXXI The End

XXXII After verse



Collection: De’Fectionate Shephard

Being nothing else but a contemporary imitation of Richard Barnfield in his

“The Affectionate Shepheard” (1593/4).

Part 1


Shepherd I

Shepherd II

Shepherd III

Shepherd IV

Shepherd V

Shepherd VI

Shepherd VII

Shepherd VIII

Shepherd IX

Shepherd X

Part 2

Shepherd XI

Shepherd XII

Shepherd XIII

Shepherd XIV

Shepherd XV

Shepherd XVI

Shepherd XVII

Shepherd XVIII

Shepherd XIX

Shepherd XX

Part 3

Shepherd XXI

Shepherd XXII

Shepherd XXIII

Shepherd XXIV

Shepherd XXV

Shepherd XXVI

Shepherd XXVII

Shepherd XXVIII

Shepherd XXIX

Shepherd XXX

Part 4

Shepherd XXXI

Shepherd XXXII

Shepherd XXXIII

Shepherd XXXIV

Shepherd XXXV

Shepherd XXXVI

Shepherd XXXVII

Shepherd XXXVIII

Shepherd XXXIX

Shepherd XL



Collection: Awaken in Seascape


  1. Dedication: In the Shadows of Time: including Elegy of the Sea: A Triptych
  2. Ode to the Enigmatic Sea Cactus
  3. Homoerotic Strophe
  4. The Muses were Silent
  5. The Dance of Nomansea
  6. Awakening in the Uncharted Sea
  7. To One in Elysium
  8. Séraphîta
  9. Eastern Progenitor of Poetry
  10. Arabesque to a Dolphin
  11. In the Sea of the Whales
  12. Delirium in Hear Hole
  13. For a Pen he Caught an Albatross Feather
  14. Far Away in the Silent Blue
  15. Bittersweet: The Dichotomy of Home
  16. Feathered Heart
  17. Oh that I Love and Remember!
  18. Pensée
  19. Light of my Soul! I Always Saw You Near
  20. My God is Both: Light and Darkness
  21. O Man of Pleasure with the Crown of Laurels!
  22. Like an English pauper of diminished means
  23. The Laugh
  24. The Dolphins
  25. Delphin of the Sea
  26. Look, again
  27. The Beautiful appearance
  28. Dark Paths Fall from the Hill by the Sea
  29. Veiled Destiny
  30. The Most Revered Mountain
  31. The Stag
  32. Calm admit the turmoil
  33. Moonlit Betrayal
  34. Delphinius
  35. Japan Book
  36. An Opening…
  37. Crossroads
  38. Awaken in Seascape
  39. Reclamation of the Tarnished Shore
  40. Dahlia
  41. The Sunlit Vale
  42. Lemuria
  43. Innocence
  44. Lost Paths


Collection: Awakened


  1. A Symphony of Hope and Joy
  2. Whispers of Liberation: A Journey through Nature
  3. Embracing Love and Joy: The Healing Harmony Within
  4. Unfeeling Beauty
  5. Chiaroscuro: A Dance of Shadows and Light
  6. Awakened & Awake
  7. Resilience in the Face of Adversity
  8. Celestial Contrasts
  9. Feeling Beauty in Harmony’s Embrace
  10. Ascension to Bliss
  11. Reflections on a Journey to Freedom
  12. Live Brave
  13. Subterranean Solace: Reflections from the Countryside
  14. Verses Unearthed in the Urban Labyrinth
  15. The Gilded Cage
  16. The Sparrow, I-IV
  17. Mystic Encounters in Salopian Shadows: A Triptych
  18. Lunar Embrace: Visionaries on a Terrestrial Sojourn
  19. Chasing Azure: An Ode to Passages of Time
  20. The White Viking  (Den hvite viking)
  21. Ode to the Tempest
  22. Awakening: A Morning Transformed
  23. Huître Perpétuelle dans le Bleu de L’océan
  24. Memoirs of the Eternal Fjord
  25. The Infinite Wellspring of Love
  26. The Triumph of the Living beyond the Bog of the Banshees
  27. Pegasus in the Garden of History
  28. A Sonnet of Wisdom in a Sacred Grove
  29. Storm Wetting Voyage with Harmony of the Deep
  30. Digital Respite
  31. Flight of the Explorers
  32. Invocations for Tranquillity
  33. Echoes of the Unseen
  34. Dirge for the Besieged Sanctity
  35. Elegy for an Enigma
  36. Silhouette of Clarity [in Morning Silence]
  37. The Golden Tears (A Gilded Reminder)
  38. A Portrait of Grace
  39. Theroigne’s Hidden Sonata
  40. Contours of Indifference
  41. A Desert Drinking Rain
  42. Quest for Lasting Peace
  43. Shadow Theatre of the Unredeemed
  44. The Alchemic Resurrection of Bliss
  45. Light through the Inn’s Window
  46. In the Shadow of Antipathy
  47. Amidst Chaos and Restraint
  48. In the Hush of Dawning Ash
  49. Lamentation for the Waning: A Composite Sketch
  50. Certainty’s Terrain
  51. The Himalayan Snow Leopard


Collection: Sonnets Unbound I


  1. Urban Syncopation
  2. Sergius & Bacchus
  3. The Creation
  4. Embrace of Light
  5. Weight of the World
  6. Δαίδαλος Daedalus
  7. Strangers at Dawn
  8. A Wealth of Sobering Woes
  9. Bright Vibes: Winning with Love
  10. When the Street Awakens
  11. Beat Man’s Chill Life
  12. Family Ties: The Hospital Verse
  13. Shadowed Echoes
  14. Invisible Chains
  15. Veiled Betrayals
  16. Silent Screams in the Family Scene
  17. Lost Childhoods: The Street Sonnet
  18. Rakaraka
  19. Life’s Sweet Riddim
  20. De Man Josh
  21. The Chains of White Powder
  22. Yndaiá’s Transformation
  23. Joyful Silence?
  24. World of Clarity
  25. Fractured Panes, Illuminated Depths
  26. A Cockney’s Rhyme: Tales from the East End
  27. The Modern Poet’s Wail in the Scotch Tongue
  28. Renaissance of the Fallen
  29. Ugly Truths: A Modern Street Sonnet
  30. Ugliness – The Descent
  31. Closing Gates – The Consequence
  32. Beauty’s Burden: The Contrast
  33. The Anti-Sculpture
  34. The False Facade
  35. The Eternal Cycle
  36. The Youth of…
  37. The Echoes of…
  38. Lesbos Up North
  39. Old Tales, New Beats
  40. Lesbos Today
  41. A Scouse Reflection on…
  42. The Flow of Life
  43. A Pidgin Reflection
  44. Harmony in the Depths: A Dolphin’s Sonnet
  45. The Bully and the Bar
  46. The Nature of Man
  47. The Norns spinning the threads of fate at the foot of Yggdrasil
  48. Art In Time’s Eternal Embrace
  49. Shadows of Yesterday
  50. A New Day
  51. Autumn




Collection: Verses from the Highland


Preface: The Highland

I The White Heather of Love

II Reflections in the Highland Mist

III Ghillie Dhu and the Fairy Flight

IV The Deer Operative

V The Sybil’s Runes

VI The Unwelcome Guest

VII Journey through the Highlands

VIII At the Bothy Door

IX Farquhar’s Wilderness: A Highland Ode

X A Highland Ghillie’s Saga

XI Joe’s Corner

XII The Ghillie’s Postcard

XIII Monarch of the Glen

XIV The Wind Was Queer

XV The Deer Stalker

XVI Highland: Good Conscience

XVII Clubfoot Has Vanished

XVIII Meall Mheiwnidh

XIX The Glen clouds

XX A Highland Reverie

XXI The Descent

XXII Turning Point

XXIII The Catch: Hunter’s Vigil

XXIV Boat House Pier

XXV Gleann Tufach

XXVI The Highland

XXVII Standing inside the Arm of a Rainbow

XXVIII In Highland Days Gone Past

XXIX Across the Loch

XXX The Blessing

XXXI Dance of Fate

XXXII The Catch: Hunter’s Vigil

XXXIII Highland’s Pursuit

XXXIV Reflections by the Loch: A Highland Journey

XXXV Purple Torridonian

XXXVI The Ewe: A Highland River’s Tale

XXXVII Summer in the Mountains

XXXVIII In West Coast: Lochmaree’s Grandeur

XXXIX Twilight on Loch Maree: A Highland Elegy

XL Veins of the Highlands: Lochmaree

XLI The Highland Spirit: Gaelic Heart

XLII Maelrubha: A Highland Saint’s Journey

XLIII Wester Ross

XLIV Highland Deer Stalking

XLV Highland Pony Whispering

XLVI Pony’s in a Highland Hold

XLVII Highland Diary: Mist and Memories

XLVIII A Farrier’s Tale

XLIX Highland Days: A Ghillie’s Journey at Letterewe

L Highland Rhythms: Days at Letterewe

LI A Highland Ode I

LII A Highland Ode II

LIII Highland Ascent: A Ghillie’s Tale

LIV In the Shadow of the Hills

LV Ghillie

LVI The Soulful Journey of the Highland Pony

LVII Postscript


Collection: Sonnets Unbound II – Light in the Abyss


  1. In Thy Light We Shall See
  2. The Bright Day of the Soul
  3. Light of the Soul
  4. Illumination from Shadows
  5. The Journey’s Dawn
  6. The Veil of Detachment
  7. Eclipse of the Ego
  8. The Dark Night’s Embrace
  9. Dawn of the Divine
  10. The Inner World
  11. The Eternal Dream
  12. The Journey of the Soul
  13. The Legacy
  14. The Path
  15. The Guard of the Holy Way
  16. The Visionary’s Challenge
  17. The Poet’s Prophecy
  18. The Dance of the Visionary Poet
  19. The Poet of Tomorrow
  20. Vision amid Chaos
  21. The Poet’s Prophetic Duty
  22. Invocation
  23. The Struggle Within
  24. The Lament
  25. The Path of Renewal
  26. Voice of the Wild Sea
  27. Divine Dance
  28. The Lady of the Lake
  29. Ethereal Grace
  30. Viviane
  31. The Mountain Spirit
  32. The Cross Roads of Faith & Betrayal
  33. The Nereids’ Call
  34. The Bridge
  35. Spiritual Neediness and God’s Sufficiency
  36. In Twilight’s Grasp
  37. The Age of Unseen Divinity
  38. Fires of Unrest
  39. Essence of the Search
  40. Illuminating the Depths




  1. Rompighiaccio
  2. Skáld
  3. Le inaspettate scoperte: grande sorpresa
  4. Agathon’s Echo
  5. The Best of the Achaeans
  6. Thermopylae
  7. Wings of Hope
  8. Cloud’s Hill
  9. Embers
  10. Isolation



Collection: Sonnets to Amsterdam:

Journey Through the Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe

Prima corona coronae heroicae

Volume I, Book I.

First Wreath of Sonnets

1 Sonnet I: The Quest Begins
2 Sonnet II: The Wisdom Gained
3 Sonnet III: Through Amsterdam’s Veins
4 Sonnet IV: Reflections in Still Water
5 Sonnet V: Shadows and Light Within
6 Sonnet VI: Beyond the Shadows
7 Sonnet VII: Inward Odyssey
8 Sonnet VIII: Adoration’s Echo
9 Sonnet IX: Amsterdam’s Whispering Shadows
10 Sonnet X Liberation’s Dawn
11 Sonnet XI Fall and Rise in Amsterdam
12 Sonnet XII Healing and Discovery
13 Sonnet XIII Shadows and Revelations
14 Sonnet XIV Embracing Self Amidst Struggles: Self-acceptance

Second Wreath of Sonnets

15 Sonnet XIV Journey Through Shadows
16 Sonnet XVI Radiance in the Asphalt Jungle
17 Sonnet XVII The Amsterdam Odyssey
18 Sonnet XVIII Cyber Hippie’s Amsterdam Journey
19 Sonnet XIX Amsterdam’s Challenging Embrace
20 Sonnet XX The Challenge of Self-Love in Amsterdam
21 Sonnet XXI Urban Growth and Echoes
22 Sonnet XXII Embracing Infinity in Amsterdam
23 Sonnet XXIII Wasted Potential in Amsterdam
24 Sonnet XXIV: Timeless Love in the Digital Age
25 Sonnet XXV: Love’s Journey in Amsterdam
26 Sonnet XXVI: A Tribute to Julius, Amsterdam’s Chronicler
27 Sonnet XXVII: Lillard, Amsterdam’s Timeless Beacon
28 Sonnet XXVIII: From Darkness to Dawn in Amsterdam

Third Wreath of Sonnets

29 Sonnet XXIX: Lillard’s Legacy: A Timeless Beacon
30 Sonnet XXX: A Distant Love in Amsterdam
31 Sonnet XXXI: Amsterdam’s Echoes
32 Sonnet XXXII: In Opium’s Embrace
33 Sonnet XXXIII: The Quest for Love in Amsterdam
34 Sonnet XXXIV: Reverie in Plantage’s Solace
35 Sonnet XXXV: Shadows in the Mind’s Carnival
36 Sonnet XXXVI: From Shadows to Light
37 Sonnet XXXVII: The Odyssey of Self in Amsterdam
38 Sonnet XXXVIII: Amidst Shadows, a Spark in Amsterdam
39 Sonnet XXXIX: Navigating the Mind’s Maze
40 Sonnet XL: Amidst Amsterdam’s Whispers
41 Sonnet XLI: Amidst Amsterdam’s Shadows
42 Sonnet XLII: Twilight’s Echoes in Amsterdam

Fourth Wreath of Sonnets

43 Sonnet XLIII: Amidst Amsterdam’s Contrasts
44 Sonnet XLIV: The Dance of Existence
45 Sonnet XLV: In Search of Self-Truth
46 Sonnet XLVI: In Search of Self-Truth
47 Sonnet XLVII: In Thought’s Own Maze
48 Sonnet XLVIII Beacon in the Twilight: Robert Jasper
49 Sonnet XLIX: The Poet’s Stormy Quest
50 Sonnet L: Echoes of the Asphalt Jungle
51 Sonnet LI: Discordant Amsterdam’s Nights
52 Sonnet LII: The Unfinished Text
53 Sonnet LIII: Invisible Landscapes
54 Sonnet LIV: Underworld Illuminations
55 Sonnet LV: The Magreb’s Shadow
56 Sonnet LVI: Stellar Ambitions

Fifth Wreath of Sonnets

57 Sonnet LVII: A Dutch Boy’s Plight
58 Sonnet LVIII: The Ashes of Greed
59 Sonnet LIX: Light Amidst Darkness
60 Sonnet LX: Amsterdam’s Dark Veil
61 Sonnet LXI: The Ashtray’s Transformation
62 Sonnet LXII: The Light Bearer’s Presence
63 Sonnet LXIII: In the Darkness, There is Light
64 Sonnet LXIV: The Coming of Christ
65 Sonnet LXV: The Happening in Community
66 Sonnet LXVI: The Call to Unity
67 Sonnet LXVII: Total Theatre
68 Sonnet LXVIII: The Journey of Imagination
69 Sonnet LXIX: The Hidden Pockets of the Dam
70 Sonnet LXX: The Fragility of Love


finem libri I.


Volume I, Book II.

Sixth Wreath of Sonnets

71 Sonnet LXXI: Whispering Canopies
72 Sonnet LXXII: Reflections on the Amstel
73 Sonnet LXXIII: Urban Palimpsest
74 Sonnet LXXIV: A Dance of Decades
75 Sonnet LXXV: Echoes of Independence
76 Sonnet LXXVI: A Conscious Reawakening
77 Sonnet LXXVII: Illuminated Nights
78 Sonnet LXXVIII: The Essence of Search
79 Sonnet LXXIX: Revolt in Silence
80 Sonnet LXXX: Night’s Hidden Echoes
81 Sonnet LXXXI: Visions’ Stirred
82 Sonnet LXXXII: Vision’s Rebirth
83 Sonnet LXXXIII: Power’s Integration
84 Sonnet LXXXIV: Gnome’s Wisdom

Seventh Wreath of Sonnets

85 Sonnet LXXXV: Radiance Unveiled
86 Sonnet LXXXVI: Stage of Light
87 Sonnet LXXXVII: Revolutionary Ties
88 Sonnet LXXXVIII: A New Dawn
89 Sonnet LXXXIX: Beyond Control
90 Sonnet XC: Transcendent Journeys
91 Sonnet XCI: Anarchism’s March
92 Sonnet XCII: Fire of Unrest
93 Sonnet XCIII: Urban Labyrinth
94 Sonnet XCIV: Chains of Illusion
95 Sonnet XCV: Arsenal Unleashed
96 Sonnet XCVI: Art’s Journey
97 Sonnet XCVII: Woven Words
98 Sonnet XCVIII: Echoes and Shadows

Eighth Wreath of Sonnets

99 Sonnet XCIX: Illumination Beyond Dreams
100 Sonnet C: Shadows and Light
101 Sonnet CI: Canvas of Existence
102 Sonnet CII: Hues of Hope
103 Sonnet CIII: Crossing Dreams
104 Sonnet CIV: Awaiting Harmony
105 Sonnet CV: Silent Symphony
106 Sonnet CVI: Illuminations of Hope
107 Sonnet CVII: Whispers of the Past
108 Sonnet CVIII: Beyond Divides
109 Sonnet CIX: The Craft of Resilience
110 Sonnet CX: Echoes of Silence
111 Sonnet CXI: Ancient Footsteps
112 Sonnet CXII: Cartographic Memories

Ninth Wreath of Sonnets

113 Sonnet CXIII: Whispers Through Time
114 Sonnet CXIV: Celestial Echoes
115 Sonnet CXV: Labyrinth of Existence
116 Sonnet CXVI: Reflections in Silence
117 Sonnet CXVII: In Silence, Bold
118 Sonnet CXVIII: Toward New Horizons
119 Sonnet CXIX: Dreams and Echoes
120 Sonnet CXX: Horizon’s Call
121 Sonnet CXXI: Luminescent Beginnings
122 Sonnet CXXII: Celestial Endeavour
123 Sonnet CXXIII: New Horizons
124 Sonnet CXXIV: From Ashes to Enlightenment
125 Sonnet CXXV: Visions and Revelations
126 Sonnet CXXVI: The Inner Guide

Tenth Wreath of Sonnets

127 Sonnet CXXVII: Divine Mercy
128 Sonnet CXXVIII: The Healing Light
129 Sonnet CXXIX: Youth’s Reckoning
130 Sonnet CXL: Labyrinth of Self
131 Sonnet CXLI: Chaos and Clarity
132 Sonnet CXLII: Daylight Revelations
133 Sonnet CXLIII: Levensboom’s Legacy
134 Sonnet CXLIV: Jasper’s Enigma
135 Sonnet CXLV: Amsterdam’s Veil
136 Sonnet CXLVI: Vision Renewed
137 Sonnet CXLVII: The Artful Revolution
138 Sonnet CXLVIII: Divine Breath
139 Sonnet CXLIX: The Fool’s Quest
140 Sonnet CL: Enlightenment’s Path



finem libri II.



Volume I, Book III.

Eleventh Wreath of Sonnets

141 Sonnet CXLI: The City’s Reflection
142 Sonnet CXLII: : Echoes of the Past
143 Sonnet CXLIII: The Palimpsest
144 Sonnet CXLIV: Bound in New Chains
145 Sonnet CXLV: Modern Narratives
146 Sonnet CXLVI: Enchanting Whispers
147 Sonnet CXLVII: Dreams Under Blue Skies
148 Sonnet CXLVIII: Intertwined Lives
149 Sonnet CXLIX: Hope in Stride
150 Sonnet CL: Enduring Love
151 Sonnet CLI: : The Spirit of the City
152 Sonnet CLII: : Challenge and Resilience
153 Sonnet CLIII: Defiant Decree
154 Sonnet CLIV: Harmony in Adversity

Twelth Wreath of Sonnets

155 Sonnet CLV: Amsterdam’s Sanctuary of Unity
156 Sonnet CLVI: City of Contrasts
157 Sonnet CLVII: Ancient Footprints
158 Sonnet CLVIII: : Heritage of Healing
159 Sonnet CLIX: Secrets of the Drogisterij
160 Sonnet CLX: Healing Journeys
161 Sonnet CLXI: Cultural Tapestry
162 Sonnet CLXII: Nelson’s Triumph
163 Sonnet CLXIII: Whispers of Intrigue
164 Sonnet CLXIV: Kennedy’s Legacy
165 Sonnet CLXV: Rhythms of the Night
166 Sonnet CLXVI: Tales of the Sea
167 Sonnet CLXVII: : Strength in the Storm

Thirteenth Wreath of Sonnets

168 Sonnet CLXVIII: Revealing Truths
169 Sonnet CLXIX: Sanctuary of Wisdom
170 Sonnet CLXX: City of Contrasts
171 Sonnet CLXXI: Journey Through Time
172 Sonnet CLXXII: Healing Traditions
173 Sonnet CLXXIII: : Nature’s Remedies
174 Sonnet CLXXIV: Herbal Lore and Modern Cures
175 Sonnet CLXXV: : Lillard’s Artistic Tapestry
176 Sonnet CLXXVI: : Nelson’s Grand Affair
177 Sonnet CLXXVII: : Tales of Intrigue
178 Sonnet CLXXVIII: Kennedy’s Era
179 Sonnet CLXXIX: Dutch Rhythms
180 Sonnet CLXXX: : Sailor’s Lore
181 Sonnet CLXXXI: : Strength Through Storms

Fourteenth Wreath of Sonnets

182 Sonnet CLXXXII: : Mind’s Deep Sea
183 Sonnet CLXXXIII: Celestial Journeys
184 Sonnet CLXXXIV: Artistry and Style
185 Sonnet CLXXXV: Symbols of Resilience
186 Sonnet CLXXXVI: Legacy of the Crosses
187 Sonnet CLXXXVII: Mysteries of Existence
188 Sonnet CLXXXVIII: Dutch Dairy Legacy
189 Sonnet CLXXXIX: Literary Treasures
190 Sonnet CXC: Proverbs and Wisdom
191 Sonnet CXCI: Path to Redemption
192 Sonnet CXCII: Dice of Destiny
193 Sonnet CLIII: Tales of Ulenspiegel
194 Sonnet CXCIV: Floating Marvel
195 Sonnet CXCV: Sinterklaas’ Legacy
196 Sonnet CXCVI: Robbie’s Ritual

197 Magistrals’ Magistral

The Wreath of Magistrals

198 The First Wreath
199 The Second Wreath
200 The Third Wreath
201 The Fourth Wreath
202 The Fifth Wreath
203 The Sixth Wreath
204 The Seventh Wreath
205 The Eighth Wreath
206 The Ninth Wreath
207 The Tenth Wreath
208 The Eleventh Wreath
209 The Twelth Wreath
210 The Thirteenth Wreath
211 The Fourteenth Wreath

After Sonnet



finem libri III.

finem VOL. I.



Secundum corona coronae heroicae



Volume II, Book I.


First Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet I: Here on Earth is Heaven
  2. Sonnet II: Eupatheia’s Call
  3. Sonnet III: Through Self-Discovery (Rave I’Ching)
  4. Sonnet IV: Subtle Changes, Shifts Unnoticed
  5. Sonnet V: God’s Presence Resumes (A Sacred Sonnet)
  6. Sonnet VI: Vibrant Chroma Home/ A New World Known
  7. Sonnet VII: A Restful, Healing Tome of Sacred Sonnets
  8. Sonnet VIII: Vibrant Inner Eye
  9. Sonnet IX: Amsterdam’s Spirit & Artistic Sphere
  10. Sonnet X: Environmental Action: Rate of Change
  11. Sonnet XI: Land of Gnomes (Psychedelic Journey)
  12. Sonnet XII: Flavours of Amsterdam: Amstel Brouwerij
  13. Sonnet XIII: A Journalist’s Eyes
  14. Sonnet XIV: Life as a Dream

Second Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet XV: The True Voyagers
  2. Sonnet XVI: Anxious Yearning
  3. Sonnet XVII: Boundless Dreams
  4. Sonnet XVIII: Entheogen Rituals
  5. Sonnet XIX: Flame to Burn
  6. Sonnet XX: Quiet Thrill
  7. Sonnet XXI: Emotional Manipulation
  8. Sonnet XXII: A New Kind
  9. Sonnet XXIII: A Journey Profound
  10. Sonnet XXIV: Amsterdam’s Eternal Chill
  11. Sonnet XXV: Transformation Refined
  12. Sonnet XXVI: Atavistic Liberation
  13. Sonnet XXVII: Spirit’s Stride
  14. Sonnet XXVIII: Endless Flight

Third Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet XXIX: Guided by Love
  2. Sonnet XXX: Feeling Dirty
  3. Sonnet XXXI: Our Love We Silently Felt
  4. Sonnet XXXII: Gather Me Above
  5. Sonnet XXXIII: Define Its Riches
  6. Sonnet XXXIV: Our First Cell to Decree
  7. Sonnet XXXV: Connected Moments
  8. Sonnet XXXVI: Energy Whole
  9. Sonnet XXXVII: Psycho-nautical Voyagers
  10. Sonnet XXXVIII: Driving Goals
  11. Sonnet XXXIX: Stories’ Lore
  12. Sonnet XL: They Sway
  13. Sonnet XLI: Embrace
  14. Sonnet XLII: Endless Possibilities

Fourth Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet XLIII: The Soul’s Battle
  2. Sonnet XLIV: Stars Untold
  3. Sonnet XLV: Time’s Kindness
  4. Sonnet XLVI: The Time to Explore
  5. Sonnet XLVII: Tomorrow’s Promise
  6. Sonnet XLVIII: Reflections
  7. Sonnet XLIX: Silence and Discovery
  8. Sonnet L: Guarilia’s Method
  9. Sonnet LI: A City’s Pleasures
  10. Sonnet LII: Monument on the Dam
  11. Sonnet LIII: Infinite Dreams
  12. Sonnet LIV: Solace in Laughter
  13. Sonnet LV: The Future of Adventures
  14. Sonnet LVI: Laughter and Light

Fifth Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet LVII: The Dandy’s Vision
  2. Sonnet LVIII: Buoyancy in Solitude
  3. Sonnet LIX: Jasper’s Odyssey
  4. Sonnet LX: Streams of Desire
  5. Sonnet LXI: Naïve, Playful Soul
  6. Sonnet LXII: Hearts Once Pure
  7. Sonnet LXIII: A Comrade’s Plea
  8. Sonnet LXIV: True Voyagers
  9. Sonnet LXV: Rituals and Reflections
  10. Sonnet LXVI: Sailors and Seekers
  11. Sonnet LXVII: A Traveller’s Lament
  12. Sonnet LXVIII: Seeking and Discovering
  13. Sonnet LXIX: Silent Kings
  14. Sonnet LXX: Floating Dreams



finem libri I.



Volume II, Book II.

Sixth Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet LXXI: Endless Game of Survival
  2. Sonnet LXXII: Conversations of Control
  3. Sonnet LXXIII: Daily Struggles
  4. Sonnet LXXIV: Laughter in Adversity
  5. Sonnet LXXV: Fragments of Stories
  6. Sonnet LXXVI: Unexpected Encounters
  7. Sonnet LXXVII: Voices from the Margins
  8. Sonnet LXXVIII: Cosmic Reflections
  9. Sonnet LXXIX: Messages from the Stars
  10. Sonnet LXXX: Legacy of Light
  11. Sonnet LXXXI: Community on Wheels
  12. Sonnet LXXXII: Heartfelt Connections
  13. Sonnet LXXXIII: Unveiling the Soul’s Journey
  14. Sonnet LXXXIV: Wings of Hope

Seventh Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet LXXXV: Wings of Faith
  2. Sonnet LXXXVI: Amsterdam’s Heart
  3. Sonnet LXXXVII: The Poetic Painter
  4. Sonnet LXXXVIII: A Forgotten Voice
  5. Sonnet LXXXIX: Symbols and Ideals
  6. Sonnet XC: Cycles of Humanity
  7. Sonnet XCI: Mortality’s Reflection
  8. Sonnet XCII: Seeking Truth
  9. Sonnet XCIII: Silent Union
  10. Sonnet XCIV: Forces of Old
  11. Sonnet XCV: Quest for Growth
  12. Sonnet XCVI: Eternal Peace
  13. Sonnet XCVII: Love’s Journey
  14. Sonnet XCVIII: Guiding Light

Eighth Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet XCIX: Striving for Purpose
  2. Sonnet C: Reservoir of Longing
  3. Sonnet CI: Emerging from Darkness
  4. Sonnet CII: Visionary Rome
  5. Sonnet CIII: Departing from Flemish
  6. Sonnet CIV: Sustainable Vision
  7. Sonnet CV: By the Sea
  8. Sonnet CVI: Mysteries Unraveled
  9. Sonnet CVII: Painted Mysteries
  10. Sonnet CVIII: The Observer’s Scene
  11. Sonnet CIX: True Creation
  12. Sonnet CX: Amsterdam’s Symbol
  13. Sonnet CXI: Voice of Change
  14. Sonnet CXII: Modernist Puzzle

Ninth Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet CXIII: Potential Power
  2. Sonnet CXIV: Century of Change
  3. Sonnet CXV: Marrakech’s Peace
  4. Sonnet CXVI: Return to Oneself
  5. Sonnet CXVII: Show’s Beginning
  6. Sonnet CXVIII: Mission Amsterdam
  7. Sonnet CXIX: City of Light
  8. Sonnet CXX: True Death
  9. Sonnet CXXI: When Feelings Pass
  10. Sonnet CXXII: Interstellar Dreams
  11. Sonnet CXXIII: Vision of Transformation
  12. Sonnet CXXIV: Knowledge’s Home
  13. Sonnet CXXV: Academic Reference
  14. Sonnet CXXVI: Evolving Together

Tenth Wreath of Sonnets

  1. Sonnet CXXVII: New Birth
  2. Sonnet CXXVIII: Destruction and Transformation
  3. Sonnet CXXIX: Exploration of Humanity
  4. Sonnet CXXX: Academic Pathways
  5. Sonnet CXXXI: Guerrilla Manifesto
  6. Sonnet CXXXII: Empty Shells
  7. Sonnet CXXXIII: Officiant’s Passion
  8. Sonnet CXXXIV: Guiding Fire
  9. Sonnet CXXXV: Psychic Facts
  10. Sonnet CXXXVI: Hidden Truths
  11. Sonnet CXXXVII: Surrender and Growth
  12. Sonnet CXXXVIII: Expression and Rebellion
  13. Sonnet CXXXIX: Nutty Taste and New Life
  14. Sonnet CXL: Untitled
  15. Magistral



finem libri I.



Volume II, Book III.



Eleventh Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CXLI: The Abundance of Cheese
  2. Sonnet CXLII: An Ode to Cheese
  3. Sonnet CXLIII: The Madness Must End
  4. Sonnet CXLIV: An Animal’s Wish
  5. Sonnet CXLV: Cheese of the Land
  6. Sonnet CXLVI: The Seasons of Cheese
  7. Sonnet CXLVII: A World of Flavors
  8. Sonnet CXLVIII: Culinary Harmony
  9. Sonnet CXLIX: In the Depths of Night
  10. Sonnet CL: Dream Amsterdam
  11. Sonnet CLI: The Radiance of SCOPARIU
  12. Sonnet CLII: Baudelaire’s Descent
  13. Sonnet CLIII: Toi Qui, Mon Tourmenteur
  14. Sonnet CLIV: Echoes of Joy

Twelfth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CLV: The Artisan’s Delight
  2. Sonnet CLVI: The Soul’s Quietude
  3. Sonnet CLVII: In the Menagerie
  4. Sonnet CLVIII: The Kaleidoscope of Cheese
  5. Sonnet CLIX: Silent Healing
  6. Sonnet CLX: A Seeker’s Quest
  7. Sonnet CLXI: The Royal Way of Love
  8. Sonnet CLXII: The Dutch Influence
  9. Sonnet CLXIII: Long Live the New Guinea Tribe
  10. Sonnet CLXIV: Nautical Legacy
  11. Sonnet CLXV: Anglo-Dutch Reflections
  12. Sonnet CLXVI: The Sacred and the Seas
  13. Sonnet CLXVII: The Battle of the Seas
  14. Sonnet CLXVIII: Reflection in Amsterdam

    Thirteenth Wreath of Sonnets:

  15. Sonnet CLXIX: The Essence of Contentment
  16. Sonnet CLXX: Reflections in Amsterdam
  17. Sonnet CLXXI: At Zaal 100
  18. Sonnet CLXXII: Love Extreme
  19. Sonnet CLXXIII: At Robin Hoed’s
  20. Sonnet CLXXIV: At the Rietveld Academy
  21. Sonnet CLXXV: On the Bicycle to Rietveld
  22. Sonnet CLXXVI: At Robin Hoed’s
  23. Sonnet CLXXVII: A Pretty Apocalypse
  24. Sonnet CLXXVIII: At Zaal 100
  25. Sonnet CLXXIX: At the Feestelijke Proms
  26. Sonnet CLXXX: Wisdom and Self-Worth
  27. Sonnet CLXXXI: Seeds of Survival and Creativity
  28. Sonnet CLXXXII: Mind’s Deep Sea

    Fourteenth Wreath of Sonnets:

  29. Sonnet CLXXXIII: Embracing Suffering
  30. Sonnet CLXXXIV: Seeking Virtue
  31. Sonnet CLXXXV: The Poet’s Lament
  32. Sonnet CLXXXVI: Embracing Simplicity
  33. Sonnet CLXXXVII: A Call to Action
  34. Sonnet CLXXXVIII: Resilience in Adversity
  35. Sonnet CLXXXIX: Resilience in Reflection
  36. Sonnet CXC: The Noble Heart’s Journey
  37. Sonnet CXCI: Deceptive Shadows
  38. Sonnet CXCII: Embrace of Excellence
  39. Sonnet CXCIII: Memories of Strength
  40. Sonnet CXCIV: Courage and Desire
  41. Sonnet CXCV: Wisdom Beyond Appearance
  42. Sonnet CXCVI: Echoes of Courage
  43. Magistrals’ Magristral                                       The Wreath of Magistrals


  44. The First Wreath
  45. The Second Wreath
  46. The Third Wreath
  47. The Fourth Wreath
  48. The Fifth Wreath
  49. The Sixth Wreath
  50. The Seventh Wreath
  51. The Eighth Wreath
  52. The Ninth Wreath
  53. The Tenth Wreath
  54. The Eleventh Wreath
  55. The Twelth Wreath
  56. The Thirteenth Wreath
  57. The Fourteenth Wreath



finem libri III.

finem VOL. II.



Tertia corona coronae heroicae



Volume III, Book I.



First Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet I: The Curse of Sickness
  2. Sonnet II: L. Frank Baum’s Tales
  3. Sonnet III: Adonais’ Wisdom
  4. Sonnet IV: Humphry Clinker’s Critique
  5. Sonnet V: Stephen Spender’s Plea
  6. Sonnet VI: Plato’s Reminder
  7. Sonnet VII: Blessings of Bravery
  8. Sonnet VIII: Courage and Emotion
  9. Sonnet IX: Life’s Parade
  10. Sonnet X: Prophet Aristide’s Wisdom
  11. Sonnet XI: Fortitude and Joy
  12. Sonnet XII: Mastery of Fate
  13. Sonnet XIII: The Virtue of Courage
  14. Sonnet XIV: Wisdom in the Woods

Second Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet XV: Argos Remembered
  2. Sonnet XVI: Wagner’s Valkyries
  3. Sonnet XVII: The Unsinkable Island
  4. Sonnet XVIII: Daring Quests
  5. Sonnet XIX: England’s Sacred Strife
  6. Sonnet XX: LSD
  7. Sonnet XXI: Sonnet of Post-Modernity
  8. Sonnet XXII: Erik Fromberg’s Vision
  9. Sonnet XXIII: Harm Reduction in Practice
  10. Sonnet XXIV: Amsterdam’s Happening
  11. Sonnet XXV: The K-Tempel’s Flame
  12. Sonnet XXVI: Infinite Connection
  13. Sonnet XXVII: A Miserable Success
  14. Sonnet XXVIII: Seeking Authenticity

Third Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet XXIX: Burning Questions
  2. Sonnet XXX: Shamanic Declarations
  3. Sonnet XXXI: Heroes of Old
  4. Sonnet XXXII: Modern Chaos
  5. Sonnet XXXIII: Rebel Youth
  6. Sonnet XXXIV: Opponents of Harm Reduction
  7. Sonnet XXXV: Clean Needles
  8. Sonnet XXXVI: Robert Jasper’s Fight
  9. Sonnet XXXVII: Raising Awareness
  10. Sonnet XXXVIII: Jung’s Insight
  11. Sonnet XXXIX: The Kingdom of God
  12. Sonnet XL: Messages of Support
  13. Sonnet XLI: Paths of Light
  14. Sonnet XLII: Literary Celebrations

Fourth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet XLIII: Rational Nutrition
  2. Sonnet XLIV: Finding Peace
  3. Sonnet XLV: Alertness and Awareness
  4. Sonnet XLVI: Tragic Circles
  5. Sonnet XLVII: Choices and Connections
  6. Sonnet XLVIII: Laughter’s Echo
  7. Sonnet XLIX: Studies and Opportunities
  8. Sonnet L: Business Paradigms
  9. Sonnet LI: The Annunciation by Bouts
  10. Sonnet LII: Man and Addiction
  11. Sonnet LIII: Poets and Wisdom
  12. Sonnet LIV: Divine Romance
  13. Sonnet LV: Halibut’s Grace
  14. Sonnet LVI: Silent Peace

Fifth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet LVII: Embracing Silence
  2. Sonnet LVIII: Fictional Yet Profound
  3. Sonnet LIX: Finding Nameless Peace
  4. Sonnet LX: Journey to Silence
  5. Sonnet LXI: Childhood Faith
  6. Sonnet LXII: Plato’s Virtue
  7. Sonnet LXIII: A Story of Silence
  8. Sonnet LXIV: Promise of Wholeness
  9. Sonnet LXV: A Short Fairy Tale
  10. Sonnet LXVI: Julia’s Grace
  11. Sonnet LXVII: Silent Answers
  12. Sonnet LXVIII: Nameless Peace
  13. Sonnet LXIX: Theatrical Decree
  14. Sonnet LXX: Embracing Solace



finem libri I.


Volume III, Book II.


Sixth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet LXXI: Amsterdam’s Underworld
  2. Sonnet LXXII: Old Amsterdam
  3. Sonnet LXXIII: Lillard on the Forbidden Prowl
  4. Sonnet LXXIV: In Amsterdam Under the Sea
  5. Sonnet LXXV: Solitude and Hokusai
  6. Sonnet LXXVI: Hidden Views
  7. Sonnet LXXVII: Silent Toll
  8. Sonnet LXXVIII: Echoes of Conquest
  9. Sonnet LXXIX: Whispered Legends
  10. Sonnet LXXX: Viking Shadows
  11. Sonnet LXXXI: Arm of Ghosts
  12. Sonnet LXXXII: Art of Silence
  13. Sonnet LXXXIII: Dawnrise and Dreams
  14. Sonnet LXXXIV: Larvae and Shadows

Seventh Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet LXXXV: Wings of Amsterdam Unity
  2. Sonnet LXXXVI: The Invisible Hand of Control
  3. Sonnet LXXXVII: The Reckoning of Tyranny
  4. Sonnet LXXXVIII: The Angel’s Urging
  5. Sonnet LXXXIX: Whispered Shadows
  6. Sonnet XC: The Art of Being the Same
  7. Sonnet XCI: The Happenings of Robert Jasper
  8. Sonnet XCII: Art and Isolation
  9. Sonnet XCIII: Celebrating Autumn’s Embrace
  10. Sonnet XCIV: The Demon of Hate
  11. Sonnet XCV: Happenings and Opium
  12. Sonnet XCVI: Jan Dominique’s Vexation
  13. Sonnet XCVII: Vows of Love
  14. Sonnet XCVIII: Solitude and Despise

Eighth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet XCIX: Pollution’s Blight
  2. Sonnet C: Jan-Dominique’s Reflections
  3. Sonnet CI: False Oaths in Amsterdam
  4. Sonnet CII: Humanity’s Errors
  5. Sonnet CIII: Hate’s Embrace
  6. Sonnet CIV: Praise and Truth
  7. Sonnet CV: Healing Disdain
  8. Sonnet CVI: Guilt and Hate
  9. Sonnet CVII: Poetry of Pain
  10. Sonnet CVIII: Winter’s Shield
  11. Sonnet CIX: Fading Hate
  12. Sonnet CX: Elements of Winter
  13. Sonnet CXI: Blind Leadership
  14. Sonnet CXII: Captured Lives

Ninth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CXIII: The Soliloquy of Jan-Dominique
  2. Sonnet CXIV: Seeking Beauty: The Quest of Jan-Dominique
  3. Sonnet CXV: Echoes of Freedom: An Evening in Amsterdam Noord
  4. Sonnet CXVI: Amidst Music and Chaos
  5. Sonnet CXVII: Love Extreme
  6. Sonnet CXVIII: Tales of Winter in Cafe Westertoren
  7. Sonnet CXIX: A Manifesto of Freedom
  8. Sonnet CXX: A Night in Amsterdam: Freedom’s Melody
  9. Sonnet CXXI: Amidst Amsterdam’s Wild Crowd
  10. Sonnet CXXII: The Timeless Scorn of Hate
  11. Sonnet CXXIII: The Ascent of Pain
  12. Sonnet CXXIV: A Quest for Love in Amsterdam
  13. Sonnet CXXV: Amsterdam Haven
  14. Sonnet CXXVI: The Feast in Amsteram

Tenth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CXXVII: The Struggle for Meaning
  2. Sonnet CXXVIII: The Weight of Existence
  3. Sonnet CXXIX: Alignment of Purpose
  4. Sonnet CL: A Mad Dance of Souls
  5. Sonnet CLI: Eternal Questions
  6. Sonnet CLII: The Infinite Principle
  7. Sonnet CLIII: Omnipresent Emptiness
  8. Sonnet CLIV: Black Swan’s Song
  9. Sonnet CLV: Elves and Dolphins in the Night
  10. Sonnet CLVI: Clowns and New Year
  11. Sonnet CLVII: Vanity and Ignorance
  12. Sonnet CLVIII: Masked Realities
  13. Sonnet CLIX: Laughter and Dread
  14. Sonnet CLX: Eternal Revelry


finem libri II.


Volume III, Book III.



Eleventh Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CXLI: Circles and Colours
  2. Sonnet CXLII: Servant’s Path
  3. Sonnet CXLIII: The Selfless Road
  4. Sonnet CXLIV: Chaos and Grace
  5. Sonnet CXLV: Infinite Service
  6. Sonnet CXLVI: The Weapon of Truth
  7. Sonnet CXLVII: Inner Light and Power
  8. Sonnet CXLVIII: Eternal Unity
  9. Sonnet CXLIX: Armor of Light
  10. Sonnet CL: The Path of Light
  11. Sonnet CLI: The Path of Shadows
  12. Sonnet CLII: True Salvation
  13. Sonnet CLIII: Eternal Struggle
  14. Sonnet CLIV: Illusions and Truths

Twelfth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CLV: Devotion’s Light
  2. Sonnet CLVI: Guidance and Hope
  3. Sonnet CLVII: Innovation and Wisdom
  4. Sonnet CLVIII: Revolutionary Light
  5. Sonnet CLIX: Movement of Change
  6. Sonnet CLX: An Era’s End
  7. Sonnet CLXI: Divine Message
  8. Sonnet CLXII: Voices of Liberation
  9. Sonnet CLXIII: Cultural Awakening
  10. Sonnet CLXIV: Provo’s Legacy
  11. Sonnet CLXV: Legacy of Grootveld
  12. Sonnet CLXVI: A Magician’s Path
  13. Sonnet CLXVII: Floating Gardens
  14. Sonnet CLXVIII: Secret Love

Thirteenth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CLXIX: Holy Spirit’s Embrace
  2. Sonnet CLXX: Tongues of Fire
  3. Sonnet CLXXI: Happenings of Grootveld
  4. Sonnet CLXXII: Provo’s Dream
  5. Sonnet CLXXIII: Klaas Comes
  6. Sonnet CLXXIV: Holy Spirit’s Call
  7. Sonnet CLXXV: Provo’s Awakening
  8. Sonnet CLXXVI: Provo’s Revolution
  9. Sonnet CLXXVII: Grootveld’s Crusade
  10. Sonnet CLXXVIII: Provo’s Dilemma
  11. Sonnet CLXXIX: Provo’s Plea
  12. Sonnet CLXXX: The Aftermath of Provo
  13. Sonnet CLXXXI: The White Plans Unveiled
  14. Sonnet CLXXXII: Provo’s Radical Shift

Fourteenth Wreath of Sonnets:

  1. Sonnet CLXXXIII: Provo’s Cultural Clash
  2. Sonnet CLXXXIV: The Aftermath at Spui
  3. Sonnet CLXXXV: Provo’s Influence
  4. Sonnet CLXXXVI: The White Bike Plan
  5. Sonnet CLXXXVII: Grootveld’s Realisation
  6. Sonnet CLXXXVIII: Provo’s White Revolution
  7. Sonnet CLXXXIX: Provo’s Polarisation
  8. Sonnet CXC: Provo’s Creed
  9. Sonnet CXCI: Nozems and Provos
  10. Sonnet CXCII: Grootveld’s Eccentric War
  11. Sonnet CLIII: Provo’s Defiant Stand
  12. Sonnet CXCIV: Alphabet of Identity
  13. Sonnet CXCV: Revolt’s Red and Black
  14. Sonnet CXCVI: Dada’s Common Pleasures


  15. Magistrals’ Magistral                The Wreath of Magistrals


  16. The First Wreath

  17. The Second Wreath

  18. The Third Wreath

  19. The Fourth Wreath

  20. The Fifth Wreath

  21. The Sixth Wreath

  22. The Seventh Wreath

  23.  The Eighth Wreath

  24. The Ninth Wreath

  25.  The Tenth Wreath

  26. The Eleventh Wreath

  27. The Twelth Wreath

  28.  The Thirteenth Wreath

  29. The Fourteenth Wreath



finem libri III.



finem VOL. III:




Collection: Cantos

Canto I

Canto II

Canto III

Canto IV

Canto V

Canto VI

Canto VII

Canto VIII

Canto IX

Canto X

Canto XI

Canto XII

Canto XIII

Canto IX

Canto X

Canto XI

Canto XII

Canto XIII

Canto XIV

Canto XV

Canto XVI

Canto XVII


Canto XIX

Canto XX

Canto XXI

Canto XXII


Canto XXIV

Canto XXV

Canto XXVI



Canto XXIX

Canto XXX

Canto XXXI




Canto XXXV




Collections: 24
Poems: 1,323

Last up-date: 27/6/24, 1925 hrs
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