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Poetry Collections


1st Print Edition: 24/12/2020

Sonarification by Harry Matthews

© Harry Matthews 2020.               <em>Sonarification,</em> front cover.
© Harry Matthews 2020.               Sonarification, front cover.

Harry Matthews’ first collection is Sonarification. Its themes are familiar but are given a contemporary significance in the threats to the ocean, and more traditionally, in poems celebrating love, friendship, loss and triumph.



Twynd by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 24/12/2020

© Harry Matthews 2020, front cover, <em>Twynd.</em>
© Harry Matthews 2020, front cover, Twynd.

Twynd is Harry Matthews’ second poetry collection. In it we are taken, in the thematic sense, around two things twinning around each other, be they the sun and its reflection in a lake or two souls pairing & resonating together. In the asymmetric sense of theme, Twynd is about one thing twinned around another rather than mutually- be it in environmental despoilment by Man, or in the ugly smothering the beautiful. Twynd, we discover, is also the abbreviated form of Chetwynd, a small hill in Shropshire, where several poems are set, while others explore faith, God, nature & classical antiquity.



Hyperion by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 29/12/2021

© Harry Matthews 2020, <em>Hyperion,</em> front cover.
© Harry Matthews 2020, Hyperion, front cover.

Hyperion is Harry Matthews’ third poetry collection and contains a good part of his life and knowledge in a new light, on a new level, as though transformed. Each poem is an experience of a stage of life that grasps its own maturity by what is makes of it. The poems are the wrestling of a soul for the transfiguration of the Eternal image of God in the here and now. Against the disturbance of a rising tide of greed & delusions in the world, he evokes the forces that threaten the prevailing order and those that may bring it wholeness.



Woodwose by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 30/12/2020

© Harry Matthews 2020 <em>Woodwose</em>, front cover.
© Harry Matthews 2020 Woodwose, front cover.

Woodwose is Harry Matthew’s fourth poetry collection. It is a richly illuminating sequence of poems, taking us on a journey with the archetype of the Woodwose, the wild man of the woods, through to the redemptive spirit and the kingdom of God. The power of the poems lies in their being rooted in the earth, and drawn from the landscape of Shropshire & the borderlands with Staffordshire. These poems ask about Reality and the transcendent conditions of earthly life.



The Lost Shadow of Things by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 31/12/2020

© Harry Matthews 2020 <em>The Lost Shadow of Things,</em> front cover.
© Harry Matthews 2020 The Lost Shadow of Things, front cover.

The Lost Shadow of Things is Harry Matthews’ fifth poetry collection. These poems are informed by the poet’s understanding of impermanence, and how the eternal expresses itself in us and through what surrounds us. His poems affirm an acceptance of life leading to an expansion of being, and in his keen sensitivity to the natural world articulates a vision of deep ecology.



True to the God in You by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 31/12/2020

© Harry Matthews 2020, <em>True to the God in You,</em> front cover.
© Harry Matthews 2020, True to the God in You, front cover.

True to the God in You is Harry Matthews’ sixth poetry collection. It is a substantial selection from his herculean period of composition in latter 2020. A depth of feeling resonates throughout these inspirational poems, in the landscapes & moods, in the tone of voice, content, expression, gesture & wisdom of these poems… True to the God in You is about self-fulfilment, loyalty, courage and sacrifice, necessary for the trinity of love. The shape, position and effect of these poems is an expression of God’s unfailing love and mercy, with their glowing in-pouring of the Holy Spirit, that is the Kingdom of God.



Idylls of the Nymphai from a Mantic Coracle by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 01/11/2021

© Harry Matthews 2021           

 Idylls of the Nymphai, front cover.

Idylls of the Nymphai from a Mantic Coracle is Harry Matthews’ seventh poetry collection. In it the author takes us on a journey with the Nymphs from the vantage point of a mantic coracle. This, the poet explains, is a congenial vessel for prophetic utterance, a means of catching fish mid-river as much as landing poems that evoke a dreamy, pastoral world.



A Whimsical Journey Through India by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 1/7/2021

© Harry Matthews, 2021      

A Whimsical Journey, front cover.

Harry Matthews travels around India, in this entertaining poetry travelogue. With a sense of irony and an eye for the unusual, he brings India and its people to life. A vivid feat of re-imagining in verse of a youthful rite of passage. Beautifully Illustrated throughout with 75 Watercolour illustrations by the author.



Awaken in Seascape by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition: 28th March, 2022.

© Harry Matthews, 2022               

Awaken in Seascape, front cover.

Awaken in Seascape is Harry Matthews’ 8th poetry collection, in which an awakening occurs to the English poet for whom Beauty in poetry reminds one of what is worthwhile: love, sea, beach, mountains, wild swimming. There is something of that beauty in his range of poems. These exemplary verses are concerned with the varied seascape: forthright momentum of honesty, vision and inspiration that lets a fresh sea breeze and spirit breakthrough for the reader.


Sonnets to Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe, Vol. I, Bk., I

by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition.

© Harry Matthews, 2024               <em>Sonnets to Amsterdam,</em>              Vol.I, Bk. I<em>,  front cover.</em>
© Harry Matthews, 2024               Sonnets to Amsterdam,              Vol.I, Bk. I,  front cover.

Sonnets to Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe, Vol. I, Bk., I,is a poetic journey through the vibrant streets of Amsterdam, where freedom, tolerance, and self-discovery intertwine. This book is comprised of the first 70 sonnets of 211 in the first volume, intricately woven into 5 crowns. The book captures the essence of the city’s spirit. From the smoke-filled coffeeshops to the red-light district, the narrative explores themes of transformation and defiance against societal norms. At its heart lies the enigmatic figure of Lillard, a symbol of resilience and wanderlust, whose existential odyssey mirrors the eternal quest for meaning and fulfillment. This book is a celebration of Amsterdam’s enduring embrace of liberty and the human experience.



Sonnets to Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe, Vol. I, Bk., II

by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition.

© Harry Matthews, 2024               Sonnets to Amsterdam,              Vol.I, Bk. II,  front cover.
© Harry Matthews, 2024               Sonnets to Amsterdam,              Vol.I, Bk. II,  front cover.

Sonnets to Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe: Volume I, Book II., is a poetic journey through the vibrant streets of Amsterdam, where freedom, tolerance, and self-discovery intertwine. This book is comprised of the next 70 sonnets of 211 in the first volume, intricately woven into 5 crowns. The book continues to capture the essence of the city’s spirit. From the smoke-filled coffeeshops to the red-light district, the narrative explores themes of transformation and defiance against societal norms. At its heart lies the enigmatic figure of Lillard, a symbol of resilience and wanderlust, whose existential odyssey mirrors the eternal quest for meaning and fulfillment. This book is a celebration of Amsterdam’s enduring embrace of liberty and the human experience.



Sonnets to Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe, Vol. I, Bk., III

by Harry Matthews

1st Print Edition.

© Harry Matthews, 2024               Sonnets to Amsterdam,              Vol.I, Bk. III,  front cover.
© Harry Matthews, 2024               Sonnets to Amsterdam,              Vol.I, Bk. III,  front cover.

Sonnets to Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Outcasts of the Lillard Universe: Volume I, Book III., is a poetic journey through the vibrant streets of Amsterdam, where freedom, tolerance, and self-discovery intertwine. This book is comprised of the last sonnets of 211 in the first volume, intricately woven into crowns. The book continues to capture the essence of the city’s spirit. From the smoke-filled coffeeshops to the red-light district, the narrative explores themes of transformation and defiance against societal norms. At its heart lies the enigmatic figure of Lillard, a symbol of resilience and wanderlust, whose existential odyssey mirrors the eternal quest for meaning and fulfillment. This book is a celebration of Amsterdam’s enduring embrace of liberty and the human experience.






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